Posted by Fulto

Set No. 1
B.Tech III -I Semester (Information Technology)
Time: 3 hours                                                                                            Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1 A).Construct DFA and NFA accepting the set of all strings not accepting 101 as substring.

B).Define NFA with example and Draw the transition diagram of a FA which accepts     all strings of 1’s and 0’s in which both the number of 0’s and 1’s are even?                                                                       [8 + 8]

2. A) Discuss about FA with outputs in details?
B) Write the steps in construction of minimization of automata?                                                                 [8 + 8]

3. A) Show that L ={ WW|W Є {a,b}* } is not regular.
  B) Write Pumping lemma Applications?                                                                                                                [8 + 8]

4. A) Eliminate    – productions from the grammar G given as
                A →aBb|bBa
                B →aB|bB|
B) Convert the following grammar to GNF                                                                                                            [8 + 8]

5.A) Define PDA and Explain the acceptance  of final and empty states?
 B) Design PDA generating L= {WcWR­| W Є {a, b}*}                                                                                            [8 + 8]

6.Explain the procedure to convert CFG to PDA with suitable example?[16]

7. Design Turing Machine for L = {0n 1n 0n |n>0}                                                                                                   [16]

8.Construct LR(0) items for the given grammar                                                                                                     [16]
S →AS |a
A →Bb |b

*********** ALL THE BEST ***********

Set No. 2
B.Tech III -I Semester (Information Technology)
Time: 3 hours                                                                                            Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1.a) Design a DFA, M that accepts the language L(M)={w/w Є {a,b}*} and w does not contain 3 consecutive b’s.
b) Define NFA with epsilon and explain with an example?                                            [8 + 8]
2.Expalin the mealy and moore machine s with suitable example?and its conversion?[16]
3.Construct an NFA for the following
a) R=01[((10)*+111)*+0]*1                         b) ((01 + 10)*00)*                                            [8 + 8]
4.a) Find the LMD and RMD for the word  abba in the grammar
S →AA   ,  A →aB  , B→ bB/
b)Prove that the following  language is not CFL L={an bnc j/n<j<2n}
5.a) Explain Chomsky hierarchy?
b) Simplify the following grammar
S →AB, A→ a, B→ c ,B→ b, C→ D , D→ E                                                               [8 + 8] 
6.  a)Define DPDA .Explain with an example?
b) B) Design PDA generating L= {WCWT­| W Є {a, b}*}        
7.a) Define a Turing Machine mathematically. Define the term ‘move’ in a TM
b)Briefly explain the properties of REL.
8. Discuss: a) The Hierarchy theorem  b) LR(0) grammar c Universal Turing Machine     [6 + 5 + 5]

*********** ALL THE BEST ***********

Set No. 3
B.Tech III -I Semester (Information Technology)
Time: 3 hours                                                                                            Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1.a) Design to accept strings with c and d such that number d’s are divisible by 4.

b) Design DFA which accepts language  L = {0,000,00000,……} over {0}                    [8 + 8]

2. a) Write the steps in minimization of FA?

b) Defferentiate NFA ,NFA with epsilon and DFA?                                                       [8 + 8]

3 Write definition of RE and Construct DFA for the following RE (ab U aba)*a       [16]

4 a) List the properties of CFLS

b) Show that  L =[a i b j / j= i2} is not CFL?                                                                            [8 + 8]

5.a) When is a grammar is said to be in reduced form

b) Convert the following grammar to GNF
    A1 A2A3
   A2 A3A1/b
   A3 A1A2/a                                                                                                                     [4+12]

6 a)Define PDA.In what ways a PDA can show the acceptance of a string .

b) Construct a  PDA generating L= {WWR­| W Є {a, b}*}    such  that L= L(M).                                       [8 + 8]

7.a)Explain various types of Turing Machines?

b) Design a Turing Machine to add two given integers.                                                                                   [8 + 8]

8.a) Write short notes on LBA

b) Write short notes on : Church’s hypothesis , Ardens Lemma and NPDA.                                           [4+ 12]

*********** ALL THE BEST ***********
Set No. 4
B.Tech III -I Semester (Information Technology)
Time: 3 hours                                                                                            Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1.a) Write the applications of finite automata?
b) Define the following terms mathematically  i)NFA ii)DFA iii) Moore iv) Mealy [8 + 8]

2. a) Write the steps for Equivalence of two FA?
b) Differentiate Moore and Mealy machine?                                                       [8 + 8]

3a) Obtain transition diagram and a regular expression to accept string of 0’s and 1’s having no two consecutive 0’s?
b) Obtain transition diagram and a regular expression to accept string of a’s and b’s whos e 10 th symbol from right end is b.

4 a) List the properties of RE?

b) Show that L =[a n b n / n>1}  is not  a RL?                                                                      [8 + 8]

5.a) When is a grammar is said to be in reduced form

b) Convert the following grammar to GNF
    S  AB
   A →BS/b
   A3 →SA|a                                                                                                                                                        [4+12]

6 a)Define PDA.Let G be the grammar given by
S Aabb/Aaa
A Abb/A
B bBB/A  Construct the PDA that  accepts the language generated by this G
b) Construct a  PDA generating L= {WWR­| W Є {a, b}*}    such  that L= L(M).                                       [8 + 8]

7.a)Explain various types of Turing Machines?

b) Design a Turing Machine to add two given integers.                                                                                   [8 + 8]

8.a) Write short notes on
a)P and NP Problems b)CSL and C)Decidability of PCP                                                                     [5+5+6]

*********** ALL THE BEST ***********

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